In Sabhāparva (Sabhaparva) of Mahābhārata (Mahabharata), another Ṛṣikulyā (Rishikulya)has been mentioned. However, it is not described as a single river; rather it is a combined flow of several minor rivers created by more than one ṛṣi (rishi; seer-sage). Arjuna found these rivers near Uttara Mānasa (the northern part of the pilgrimage cite of the Manasa lake)–
tāṁstu santvena nirjitya mānasaṁ sara uttamam
ṛṣikulyāstathā sarvā dadarśa kurunandanaḥ.
It is clearly understood that the Ṛṣikulyā of middle-south India and the Ṛṣikulyā that flows near Uttara Mānasa cannot be the same, due to obvious geographical reasons. Perhaps it is from this Ṛṣikulyā near Mānasa, that the river of the south also derives its name.