Ekaparvata is an ancient mountain. Kṛṣṇa (Krishna), Bhīma (Bhima) and Arjuna crossed this mountain while going to Girivrajapura, the capital of Jarāsandha. From the description of their route, it may be understood that the route from Kurujāṅgala (Kurujangala; the forest area of the Kuru teritory) to Magadha was extended across the rivers Gaṇḍakī (Gandaki) ,Mahāśona (Mahasona) and Sadānīrā (Sadanira), Kālakūṭa (Kalkuta) parvata and Ekaparvata. Kṛṣṇa, Bhīma and Arjuna followed this track, and reached Mithilā (Mithila) via Kośala (Kosala). However, little can be known and said about the present location of Ekaparvata.