Audumvara is an ancient community. The kṣatriya(kshatriya) members of this tribe came to Indraprastha, at the time of the Rājasūya yajña of Yudhiṣṭhira. They gifted many jewels to Yudhiṣṭhira.

In Mārkaṇḍeyapurāṇa (Markandeyapurana), Audumvara is referred to as a tribe of the middle part of India.

Scholars differ regarding the location of the tribe called Audumvara. As per Canningham’s opinion, they were inhabitants of the Kaccha region of Gujrat. However, in the view of K. C. Mishra, these Audumvara people lived in the eastern region of Kangra, in modern Himachalpradesh. According to them, these Audumvara people helped in forming an economic connection between Himālaya parvata and the communities dwelling in the Terai region.

Coins of the eighteenth century A.D have been discovered from modern-day Kangra, which was supposedly a part of Punjab, before Independence. The mention of the Audumvara tribe can be found in those coins.