Generally, uncooked, green vegetables are called āmānna (amanna). ‘Āma'(Ama) means ‘unripe’. In śrāddhamantra ( sraddhamantra; hymns uttered during the funeral ritual), green vegetables are referred to as āmānnabhojyam (amannabhojya, food consisting of green and uncooked elements). It is a custom to make an offering of green vegetables to the Śudra (Sudra, the fourth varna) people, during the śrāddha. For a sannyāsī (sannyasi, a recluse), āmānnaśraddhabhojana (amannasraddhabhojana, accepting amanna of a sraddha) is forbidden, just like madhu (drinks) and maṁsa (mamsa, finely prepared meet).
[See Āmānnaśrāddha]