Airāvatī (Airavati), as mentioned in Purāṇa(s) (Purana; Mythological Scripture) is the river identical with Irāvatī (Iravati) or Rābhi (Rabhi), and it is also the same river that is called Hydraotes by Ariyan. Pururavā (Pururava), king of Madra, while going by the frontiers of his kingdom, found this river —
airāvatīti vikhyātāṃ dadarśatimanoramām.
On his way, the king also noticed the origin of this river , from Himālaya (Himalaya). So this river is also called Haimavatī (Haimavati)
There is also another tīrtha (tirtha; site of pilgrimage) in the name of this river.
Another name of this river is Acīravatī (Achiravati).
[See Acīravatī (Achiravati).]