Anaupamyā (Anaupamya) was the wife of Vāṇāsura (Vanasura). She was a beautiful lady of several virtues. However, her mother-in-law and sister-in-law always ill-treated her. Once Devarṣi (Devarshi; the divine sage) Nārada (narada) visited the house of Vāṇāsura, and Anaupamyā asked him about the redressal of this problem. Nārada then enlightened her about the procedures of dānadhrama (danadharma; the virtuous practice of making donations), and several vrata(s).

According to Padmapurāṇa (Padmapurana), Anaupamyā,wife of Vāṇāsura who lived in Tripura, possed several divine virtues. As advised by Nārada, she started performing vrata and upavāsa(upavasa; ritual fasting). Seeing her example, other ladies of the city of Tripura became more attentive to such austerities. Their minds remained constantly engaged in such vrata and upavāsa — outward austerities, and they lost much of their tapaḥśakti (tapahsakti, power gained through ascetic practices) and their natural energy.