Son of the Rāma’s (Rama’s) brother Lakṣmaṇa (Lakshmana), a renowned character in Rāmāyaṇa (Ramayana). Before his death, Rāma instructed Lakṣmaṇa to look for suitable regions so that Rāma could enthrone each of Lakṣmaṇa’s sons as kings of separate states. Eventually, on Bharata’s advice, Rāmachandra crowned Aṅgada (Angada) the king of the Aṅgadīya (Angadiya), a city named after him in the state of Kārupatha (Karupatha) or Kārapatha (Karapatha)—
aṅgadīya purī ramyā aṅgadasya nibeśitā.
Ramayana (Mudholakara). 7.102.1–8