Maharṣi (Maharshi; Great Sage) Apasyauṣa (Apasyausha) is one of the mantradraṣṭā (mantradrasta; seer of sacred hymns) sages belonging to the the vaṃśa (vamsa; genealogical or disciple-wise order of sages) of Maharṣi Aṅgirā (Angira).
Maharṣi (Maharshi; Great Sage) Apasyauṣa (Apasyausha) is one of the mantradraṣṭā (mantradrasta; seer of sacred hymns) sages belonging to the the vaṃśa (vamsa; genealogical or disciple-wise order of sages) of Maharṣi Aṅgirā (Angira).