Āśramastha (Asramastha) is one of the Aṣtottara Sahasranāma (Astottara Sahasranama; Thousand and Eight Names) of God Śiva (Siva). In ancient Aryan society the tenure of life was divided into four phases namely — Brahmacarya (Brahmacharya), Gārhasthya (Garhasthya), Vāṇaprastha(Vanaprastha) and Sannyāsa (Sannyasa). These four are known as Caturāśrama (Caturasrama). In fact, the term ‘Āśrama’ (Asrama) means ‘to labour in order to perform vrata or dharma’ Mahādeva(Mahadeva) is the manifestation of Dharma achieved through the performance of these four phases of life, and He is also the manifested self of all the virtues gained through Caturāśrama. So he is addressed as Āśramastha (Asramastha) —
Āśrameṣu caturṣu dharmarupeṇa tiṣṭhatītyāśramasthaḥ.