Aśvatīrtha (Aswatirtha) is a sacred site of pilgrimage located on the bank of Gaṅgā (Ganga), near Kanvakuvja. While visiting several sites of pilgrimage, Pāṇḍava(s)(Pandavas) came here. When Ṛcīka (Richika), belonging to the lineage of Bhṛgu (Bhrigu), wanted to marry Satyavatī (Satyavati), daughter of king Gādhi (Gadhi), the king demanded from him as the bride’s dowry one thousand horses with great speed and power, horses whose inner portions of the ears are blood-reddish, the outer part is bluish, and the whole body is of pale greyish colour. By the grace of god Varuṇa (Varuna), Ṛcīka got one thousand horses of this type. The place where these horses emerged from the sea, is called Aśvatīrtha. One is blessed with good fortune, if one takes a bath in this site. It is also a sacred and suitable site for śrāddha (sraddha, rite dedicated to the deceased).
The site is located at the place where Gaṅgā (Ganga)and the river Kālindī (Kalindi) meet, near Kanauja in Uttar Pradesh.