Audumvara is one of the four types of ascetic sages who resort to vānaprastha (vanaprastha; the phase of dwelling in forest and performing penance), as mentioned in Bhāgavatapurāṇa (Bhagavatapurana). Sometimes, the reading is ‘Auḍumvara’ in stead of Audumvara. Śrīdhrasvāmī (Sridharaswami), the commentator, has described the characteristics of this order of ascetics –after waking up every morning, they go to the side their sight fall for the first time, in order to collect fruits and roots , and live on that only —
audumvarāḥ prātarutthāya yāṃ diśaṃ prathamaṃ
paśyanti tata āhṛtaiḥ falādibhirjīvantaḥ.