The vaṃśa (vamsa; lineage) of Maharṣi(Maharshi; Great Sage) Aukṣi (Aukshi) was one of the ṛṣivaṁśa(s) belonging to the gotra of Maharṣi Bhṛgu (Bhrigu). Maharṣi Aukṣi was related to Bhṛguvaṃśa through a genealogical or disciple-wise connection.
The vaṃśa (vamsa; lineage) of Maharṣi(Maharshi; Great Sage) Aukṣi (Aukshi) was one of the ṛṣivaṁśa(s) belonging to the gotra of Maharṣi Bhṛgu (Bhrigu). Maharṣi Aukṣi was related to Bhṛguvaṃśa through a genealogical or disciple-wise connection.