According to Purāṇa (Purana; Mythological Scriptures), when Bhagīratha (Bhagiratha)brought Gaṅgā (Ganga) down to Martyaloka (the earthly abode), she divided herself in seven flows and flowed on earth. Sindhu was one of the three branches that flowed westward, and Indrapada was one pf the regions of the west across which the Sindhu had flowed. In Vāyupurāṇa (Vayupurana) the place is referred to as Indrahāsa. In the reading of Matsyapurāṇa (Matsyapurana), the place is called Indramaru. D.C. Sircar, the noted scholar, has defined the location called Śaivapura (Saivapura) or Śivapura (Sivapura), which appears before Indrapada, as mentioned in the śloka (sloka; verse) concerned. According to him, this Śivapura or Śaivapura is situated in the Jhang district of the Punjab region, now in Pakistan. Indrapada was possibly situated near this place.
In Skandapurāṇa (Skandapurana), we have the mention of a tīrtha (tirtha; site of pilgrimage) called Indrapada. Possibly there was a spring in this pilgrimage site located towards the south-east of the river Sarasvatī (Saraswati). In Skandapurāṇa (Skandapurana), we have the mention of a ‘dravadhāra‘ (dravadhara; a ‘lflow of liquid’ or a fountain)–
tator’vāgdakṣiṇe bhāge dravadhāreti viśrutām
tīrthamindrapadaṁ yatra tapaścakre purandaraḥ.
In this place, Indra pleased God Nārāyaṇa (Narayana) through upavāsa (upavasa; a ritual fasting) and austere practice of tapasyā (tapasya; penance). According to Skandapurāṇa, he achieved Indrapada (the status of Indra) through this tapasyā. It is to be noted that one branch of the ancient river Sarasvatī flowed near the district of Jhang in Punjab. So it appears that Indrapada as mentioned in Skandapurāṇa, is identical with Indramaru or Indrahāsa (Indrahasa) mentioned in other Purāṇas.