In Sabhāparva (Sabhaparva) of Mahābhārata (Mahabharata), we get the name of a locality and the tribe living there, both called Ulūka (Uluka) — on the route of Arjuna’s expedition. Arjuna basically won the northern countries, and most of the localities that came under his power, were hilly areas of Himālaya (Himalaya). Ulūku was also a hilly territory. In Brahmāṇḍapurāṇa, and elsewhere in Mahābhārata, this is also known as Ulūta (Uluta). Vṛhanta (Vrihanta), king of the Ulūka tribe, was defeated by Arjuna. Scholars think that the tribe Kulūta (Kuluta), which joined the side of the Kaurava during the battle of Kurukṣetra, was identical with the Ulūka or Ulūta tribe. In Vṛhatsaṁhitā (Vrihatsamhita), we get the mention of Kulūta as a locality of the north-western region. The place called Kulu located near the river Vipāśā (Vipasa) in modern Punjab is thought to be the ancient Ulūta or Kulūta.