One of the Sahasranāma (Sahasranama; Thousand names) of God Viṣṇu (Vishnu) . While discussing the name Ūrjita (Urjita), Śankarācārya(Sankaracharya) as commentaor, has said, —
“valaprakarṣaśālitvāt ūrjita.”
In Sanskrit, the term ūrjaḥ (ūrjas) means power or strength. So the term ūrjita may refer to the one who is powerful, energetic; at the same time it may also refer to wealth or excess of something. God is Almighty; he is the source of all power and energy in the world; hence his name Ūrjita. In the Vibhūtiyoga (Vibhutiyoga)-chapter of Bhagavadgītā (Bhagavadgita), Śrī Kṛṣṇa (Sri Krishna) says to Arjuna, — “Whatever in in this world is with special attributes, powerful, beautiful, ūrjita or full of excessive potential, is part of my power: know this —
yadyadvibhūtimat sattvaṁ śrīmadūrjita meva vā
tattadevāva gaccha tvaṁ mama tejosambhavam.
In fact, in this world, He is the only One with all power, strength, intelligence and knowledge. Whatever is beautiful and powerful in this world, is a partial manifestation of His divine power. So he is called Ūrjita.