Brahma Sutra Bhashya
  • Angushtha – 1

    It is imagined in the Mahabharata that the all-pervasive entity (puruṣa) resides in each body bearing the size of a thumb. Prādesamatra Purusa having taken shelter in subtle body transmigrates. Highly elevated yogis only can see the self (Pratyagatma) — Aṅguṣṭhamātraḥ puruṣo’ntarātmā Liṅgasya yogena sa yāti nityam. Tamīśamīḍymanukalpamādyaṃ Paśyanti mūḍā na virajamānam. Yoginastaṃ prapaśyanti bhagavantaṃ […]
