Something that does not erode, or something from which nothing exude— na kṣarati. Imperishable. Especially in Sāṃkhya (Sankhya) philosophy, akṣara (akshara) is known as the ‘sākṣī cetā nirguṇa‘ theory of Man [that considers man as conscious and neutral observer]. Bhagavadgītā (Bhagavadgita), while determining the difference between a corporeal being and god, has said that there are […]
keyboard_arrow_rightRegarding the number of human Indriya(s) and their functions all philosophical scriptures are of the same opinion. In Mahābhārata, it is at least hundred times mentioned that there are ten indriya(s), and the eleventh is mind. So it has become a common consensus that scholars know that five indriya(s) are the cause of cognition regading […]